


At, we are committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner and supporting initiatives that promote sustainability. As part of this commitment, we support the Houston Climate Action Plan (HCAP), which is a city-wide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the resilience of the city’s infrastructure.

Benefits of Supporting HCAP

Some of the ways in which we support the HCAP include:

Energy efficient products

Our digital signage products are designed to be energy efficient, using LED lighting which consumes less energy than traditional fluorescent lighting. This helps to reduce our carbon footprint and support the HCAP's goal of reducing energy consumption.

Recycling programs

We have implemented recycling programs at our facilities to help reduce waste and support the HCAP's goal of reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Community outreach

We are actively involved in community outreach and education efforts related to sustainability and the HCAP. This includes participating in events and programs that promote environmental awareness and action.

Overall, we are dedicated to supporting the HCAP and other initiatives that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. We believe that it is our responsibility to do our part to protect the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.
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